
(Integrated COllaborative systems for SmArt Factory)

The project falls within the scope of the National Operational Plan – Intelligent Factory ( http://www.ponricerca.gov.it/ ): this latter term refers to the set of all the technologies and industrial systems necessary for the creation of an interconnection of machines between themselves and of the human operator with automatic systems). The project focuses on the creation of tools, models and methodologies to serve the factory system that promote synergy between man and machine, enhancing the human contribution and not replacing it.

ICOSAF aims at technologies and systems for the cooperative factory with ever-increasing operator integration according to the concepts of industry 4.0 (interconnected automation) and 5.0 (humanization and reuse of resources). The project focuses on the definition of a cooperative factory, through the creation of digital models, prototypes of reference technologies, development and characterization of project enabling technologies.

Mare Group (formerly SSM) participated in the ICOSAF project as a partner with expertise in process simulation in digital environments and deals with modeling and simulation of collaborative workstations, in particular:

  • Methodological study of setting technological and normative constraints for the design of collaborative stations;
  • Development of simulation models of human-robot collaborative processes, with the Process Simulate tool, relating to the USE-CASES defined in the project;
  • Development of discrete event simulation models for the validation of USE CASES from the logistical point of view, equipment and manpower sizing, layout selection, with Tecnomatix Plant Simulation software.
Apr.2021 – Oct.2024
Artificial intelligence