( Development of a methodology for virtual design and crash testing of VTOL/eVTOL in the context of Urban Air Mobility )
The V-CRASH project aims to develop an original calculation procedure to support the design and certification (with CBA – Certification by Analysis approach) of new generation vertical take-off and landing aircraft belonging to the so-called Urban Air Mobility (UAM) category vehicle, with particular reference to crash safety performance (crashworthiness). The proposed procedure will make it possible to configure a specific and also original engineering service which at the end of the research project will be widely validated through the appropriate Industrial Research, Pre-competitive Development and subsequent Industrialization activities.
The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Italian State, the Campania Region (as part of the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020).
Financial support received from the European Union: €337,261.00 .
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