(CRitical sYSTEM engineering AcceLeration)
CRYSTAL aims to promote Europe’s leading position in embedded systems design with a focus on the quality and cost-effectiveness of safety-critical embedded systems and platforms.
The overall objective is to enable sustainable pathways to accelerate the maturation, integration, and cross-sector reusability of software building blocks and technology methodologies for safety-critical engineering embedded systems in the transport (aerospace, automotive, and rail) and healthcare sectors by providing a critical mass of European technology providers. CRYSTAL fits perfectly with other ARTEMIS projects, sharing the concept of a Reference Technology Platform (RTP) as a coherent and seamless set of integration principles and technology interoperability standards. Building on the service-oriented architecture methodologies and results of previous CRYSTAL projects, it focuses on an industry-driven approach through cross-domain user stories, domain-specific use cases, public use cases, and technology building blocks.
This will have a significant impact on strengthening European competitiveness in new markets and societal applications. By building a full domain of interoperability between “embedded systems”, CRYSTAL will contribute to establishing a standard for model-based systems engineering in a certification and safety context that is expected to have a global impact. By bringing together large enterprises and various industrial sectors, CRYSTAL will establish a sustainable innovation eco-system. By harmonising the requirements for the development of safety-relevant embedded systems, including multi-viewpoint engineering and managing variability across different industrial sectors, CRYSTAL will achieve strong acceptance among vendors and the open-source community.
CRYSTAL will advance interoperability towards a “de facto” standard to achieve an interoperable European RTP.
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