Visore maregroup 15 April 2022
Visore Project

Jun.2017 – Nov.2019


Artificial Intelligence
Convolutional Neural Networks
Big Data Analysis


Smart Manufacturing: quality control process through visual inspection

The project aims to develop an innovative solution for the automatic quality check of industrial components (through AI and, in particular, neural networks); it involves the design and construction of a prototype station for the acquisition of images of the artifact, in order to detect flaws; it also intends to study algorithms for the management and intelligent analysis of process data, capable of analyzing anomalies detected at different points in the process, in order to define and implement interventions to oust defects.


Research and Development

Mare Group annually invests in Research and Development to promote and expand projects, technologies and the ideas of its team. Every year, the Group faces bigger challenges in wanting to become a reference point for companies in Southern Italy. Find out more about other projects.

Improve Intelligenza Artificiale - Machine Learning
Blockfil Artificial Inteligence
Invictus Artificial Intelligence - Extended Reality
Herfuse Composite Materials - Additive Manufacturing
Digimedfor Artificial Intelligence - Extended Reality
Debora Artificial Intelligence
Arketipo Artificial Intelligence