Davyd maregroup 18 May 2022
Davyd Project

(Development of innovative technologies for control surfaces and landing gear actuation)


Jan.2021 – Jun.2024


Structural Optimizations
Additive manufacturing in layers
Benign Fluid Machining


Aeronautical Area
Green Economy
Environmental Sustainability

The project is aimed at the development of innovative technologies in order to reduce the environmental impact of the Tiltorotor / Compound Rotorcraft type aircraft, both in terms of pollution and noise emissions, focusing in particular on two fundamental components of the aircraft: landing and control surfaces.


Research and Development

Mare Group annually invests in Research and Development to promote and expand projects, technologies and the ideas of its team.
Every year, the Group faces bigger challenges in wanting to become a reference point for companies in Southern Italy. Find out more about other projects.

Blockfil Artificial Inteligence
Herfuse Composite Materials - Additive Manufacturing
Digimedfor Artificial Intelligence - Extended Reality
Crystal Critical systems engineering factories
V-Crash Innovative Methodologies
T-Tech Structural Monitoring (SHM)
Hycompo 2020 Innovative Highly Efficient Production
Davyd Structural Optimizations - Additive Manufacturing